How to Get Asbestos Compensation
Hearing that you are loved one has mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease is hard to hear no matter what. You can however seek asbestos compensation for your losses. People suffering from an asbestos related illness and family members of mesothelioma victims that have already passed, can file an asbestos claim to seek monetary compensation. This money can help pay for things such as medical bills, lost wages, disability, psychiatric assistance for mental anguish, and other damages.
Here are some steps to follow to receive asbestos compensation:
- 1
In order to file a claim for asbestos compensation, you must already be diagnosed with mesothelioma or some other asbestos-related disease such as asbestosis. The only way to be diagnosed is to first visit your doctor and have a full physical examination. The doctor will look at your past history with asbestos, and possibly do x-rays, an MRI or CT scan, lung capacity testing, and take a biopsy of the area or fluid. A biopsy is always needed to conclusively diagnose mesothelioma.
2You will need to determine your states "statute of limitations" on filing for asbestos compensation. This law puts a limit on the amount of time a person has to seek asbestos litigation. Some states only allow a few years after being diagnosed to file an asbestos claim. If you are past your states limit, don't lose hope. Talk to an experienced mesothelioma attorney to be sure.
3The next step is to find an attorney who has experience working with asbestos compensation cases. You can search for an experienced asbestos lawyer at the bar associations, in the Yellow Pages, on the Internet, through word-of-mouth referrals, etc.
4Interview various lawyers on their experience with asbestos compensation. Find out how many related cases they have worked on, and find out how many they have won. You'll want an asbestos lawyer that not only has experience working on asbestos cases, but one who also has experience winning!
5You will then discuss with your attorney the various options you have for seeking asbestos compensation. Your lawyer may negotiate your case out of court or your case may go to trial.
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